An AI Robot doing your job?
Let’s see…
Chat between the Consulting / Engineering / Sales Technology Director (A) and, maybe, (B) you?
(A) – …this super 30-qubit-quantum computer can do trillions of floating-point operations per second, infinite storage capacity…can count to infinite, it can count all the stars of the universe, a very very huge number!
(B) – that’s ok…but what about humans, a person can lie down looking stars…and think a number, you see?
Think! (Imagine, invent,…)
None of the current and near-future technologies can do this uniquely human skill, THINK! (Stop hypes!)
Current technologies make sense in a human + tech collaboration context, tech is an enabling and multiplicator agent, it is a merciless routine tasks eater, a strong transformation force, but not a human surrogate.
Tech, especially the “Intelligent Automation”, is and will be a disruptor on the human organizations: roles, functions, lifestyle, etc… new jobs are being created and others are being destroyed. And you have to be a THINKer now more than ever.
be a THINKer !